吳思珊Wu, Shih-San (音樂學系系主任暨所長)
擅長音樂劇場,1993年榮獲法國馬爾梅森音樂院第一演奏家文憑,並二次獲得「卓越評賞獎演奏文憑」以及「精湛技藝獎」;2008年獲國立臺北藝術大學音樂藝術博士學位。曾師事朱宗慶教授,並曾與佳斯棟‧席勒維斯特教授學習音樂劇場,曾於法國與臺灣兩地舉辦個人獨奏會。1989年加入朱宗慶打擊樂團,至今致力於「音樂劇場」的研究與創新發表。2009年獨奏會《新擊樂思潮》入圍第八屆台新藝術獎;2014年吳思珊與何鴻棋打擊樂音樂會《你說我聽‧你聽我說》入圍第十三屆台新藝術獎。 現任國立臺北藝術大學音樂系主任及管絃與擊樂研究所、音樂學研究所所長、朱宗慶打擊樂團團長。
Wu, Shih-San joined the group in 1989. Graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) where she studied percussion with professor Ju, Tzong-Ching, and received her Ph.D. Wu learned percussion and theatre music from professor Gaston Sylvestre and received the “Medaille d’Or a l’Unanimite” , “Prix d’Excellence a l’Unanimite Felicitations”” and “Prix de Virtuosite a l’Unanimite Felicitations” at the Conservatoire National de Region Ville de RueilMalmaison in France. Her recitals are held in not only Taiwan, but also in France. She devotes herself to researching theatre music for years. Moreover, her works innovate the percussive style in the field.
At present, Wu is the director of Ju Percussion Group, the Chair of the Music Department, the Director of Orchestral Percussion Music Research Institute and Music Research Institute at the TNUA.
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信箱 | shihsanwu@music.tnua.edu.tw
電話 | (02)2896-1000#3011
研究室 | 2531
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