林志謙 Chih-Chien Lin
畢業於國立台中一中、東吳大學音樂系、美國曼哈頓音樂院與南加州大學,於2015年取得南加大音樂院音樂藝術博士學位,受教於美國單簧管教育權威Yehuda Gilad。曾師事賴勇、陸慧、蕭也琴、陳威稜教授及前紐約愛樂單簧管助理首席Mark Nuccio,獲得民國101年教育部留學獎學金、南加大音樂院長獎學金與Mitchell Lurie獎學金。
林志謙曾獲得的獎項包括:行天宮菁音獎、永豐愛樂古典菁英獎、Buffet Clarinet Competition in Taiwan、Rio Hondo Symphony Young Artist Concerto Competition、USC Thornton School of Music Concerto Competition、Redlands Young Artist Competition等,曾入選尼爾森國際音樂大賽、德國Marknuikerchen國際大賽,並入圍里斯本單簧管大賽之決賽。曾合作的樂團包括: 國家交響樂團(NSO)、美國里歐韓多交響樂團(Rio Hondo Symphony)、南加大音樂院交響樂團(USC Thornton Symphony)、臺灣獨奏家交響樂團、臺灣弦樂團、臺南市交響樂團、以及國立臺南藝術大學音樂學系管弦樂團等。
於2015年加入魔笛單簧管四重奏,並開始擔任魔笛單簧管音樂節單簧管重奏團指揮,樂團指揮師承王戰、美國南加大教授Larry Livingston,並與Christian Grases教授學習合唱指揮。曾指揮USC Thornton Symphony、USC String ensemble、University of Texas Wind Ensemble和東吳大學音樂系友管樂團,2016-2023年於國立臺南藝術大學任職期間,創立音樂學系管樂團並擔任指揮。2019年通過激烈甄選,於150多位申請者中脫引而出,受邀參與全美規模最大之音樂節–中西部音樂節(Midwest Clinic)之雷諾指揮學院(Reynolds Conducting Institute),受教於管樂巨擎Robert Reynolds與Jerry Junkins。
林志謙曾受邀於泰國單簧管學院(Thailand International Clarinet Academy)、瑪希敦大學(Mahidol University)、西安國際音樂節、國立臺灣藝術大學、東吳大學等地舉行大師班,曾任教於國立臺南藝術大學、東海大學、中國文化大學等校,目前為國立臺北藝術大學管絃與擊樂研究所專任副教授。
Chih-Chien Lin, a native of Taiwan, began his clarinet studies at age twelve. A recipient of numerous awards, Mr. Lin has won first prize at Young Artist Showcase Competition and Buffet Crampon Clarinet Competition in Taiwan. He was also winner of Rio Hondo Symphony Young Artists Competition and the USC Thornton School of Music concerto competition.
Mr. Lin has appeared as a soloist with USC Thornton Symphony, Rio Hondo Symphony, National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, Tainan Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Soloists Symphony Orchestra, Tainan National University of the Arts Symphony Orchestra and Academy of Taiwan Strings. He was also a finalist in the 2nd Lisbon International Clarinet Competition.
He was sponsored by Bank SinoPac and Philharmonic Radio Taipei for 5 years, which gave him a debut recital in the National Recital Hall in Taiwan in 2010. He is also a recipient of the Mitchell Lurie Clarinet Scholarship and the Studying Abroad Scholarship from Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
As an educator, Mr. Lin has given masterclasses at many prestigious institutions and festivals such as Thailand International Clarinet Academy, Mahidol University, International Clarinet Festival at Xi-An, China, National Taiwan University of the Arts and Soochow University. He taught at Tunghai University, Chinese Culture University and Tainan National University of the Arts, and was the founder and the conductor of TNNUA Wind Ensemble.
As a conductor, Mr. Lin has conducted ensembles such as USC Thornton Symphony, University of Texas Wind Ensemble, Taipei National University of the Arts Wind Ensemble and Soochow University Wind Ensemble. He was the conducting fellow at 2nd Reynold Conducting Institute at Midwest Clinic under Robert Reynold and Jerry Junkins.
Mr. Lin holds a MM degree from Manhattan School of Music and DMA degree from University of Southern California. His major teachers include Mark Nuccio, Yehuda Gilad and Larry Livingston. He currently serves as associate professor of clarinet at Taipei National University of the Arts.
學歷 |
南加大音樂院音樂藝術博士 Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Southern California
領域 |
單簧管Clarinet、室內樂Chamber Music
信箱 | kenlin810@gmail.com
電話 |
研究室 |
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