北藝大音樂學系 理論與作曲-顏名秀 – 北藝大音樂學系




顏名秀是位十分活躍的作曲家,她的作品曾多次於美亞歐三洲演出,並曾與Osmo Vänskä、呂紹嘉、簡文彬、鄭立彬、張尹芳、張佳韻、侯宇彪、王戰、瞿春泉、顧寶文 、Alexander Drčar、Adrian Schneider、Bobby Collins等指揮大師,以及美國Minnesota Orchestra、Seattle Festival Orchestra、臺灣國家交響樂團、臺灣國樂團、臺北市立國樂團、桃園市國樂團、臺灣音契合唱管絃樂團、中國敦善交響管樂團、美國PRISM薩克斯風四重奏等知名國內外演出團體合作。

近年作品發表活動包括:2022年Seattle Festival Orchestra演出《瞳言》、鋼琴家林聖縈首演《時間膠囊》;2021年臺北市立國樂團首演大型合唱團與國樂團作品《臺北禮讚》、台北青管首演管樂團作品《紅凳趴》、國美館與信誼基金會製作之「赫威・托雷玩藝術:小黃點兒少共融音樂會」演出《點點點…》室內樂版、Trio Eurasiamerica演出《拂曉》、灣聲樂團演出《田水寄語》弦樂團版、NTSO臺灣青年交響樂團弦樂四重奏演出《田水寄語》弦四版、The Leschetizky Association線上音樂會發表《兩張來自福爾摩沙的舊明信片》、林恩緒吹管獨奏會首演《痕・恆》;2020年小提琴家李宜錦與NSO國家交響樂團首演小提琴協奏曲《補天穿》、樂興之時演出《客家隨想》、藝心弦樂四重奏首演《田水寄語 》;2019年臺北市立國樂團首演《臺灣歌劇-我的媽媽欠栽培》;2018年由國立臺北藝術大學管絃樂團首演《瞳言》、於第五屆國際長笛音樂節演出《蜻蜓之眼》;2017為德國「孟德爾頌音樂院大賽」創作的指定曲《鋼索行者》、客家歌舞劇《天光》;2016客家歌舞劇《香絲・相思》、香港「創意間的親暱」五週年精選回顧音樂會、駐德國臺北代表處音樂會、中國敦善交響管樂團訪台音樂會、NSO國家交響樂團中國巡演;2014年美國路易斯安那低音提琴音樂節、臺灣春秋樂集;2013年國際女性音樂家聯盟年度音樂會、NSO國家交響樂團歐洲巡演、韓國NONG Project、音樂臺灣;2012年哥本哈根低音提琴年會;2011年香港創意間的親暱、亞洲作曲聯盟大會等,深獲國內外好評。


她先於美國伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of Music) 取得學士學位(主修作曲與鋼琴演奏)及Performer’s Certificate in Piano的殊榮;接著先後獲碩士班及博士班全額獎學金就讀於美國密西根大學 (University of Michigan),並取得作曲及鋼琴演奏雙碩士學位,及作曲音樂藝術博士學位。在密大就讀期間,她曾兩次贏得校內鋼琴協奏曲比賽,以鋼琴獨奏家身份與校內樂團演出;成為博士候選人的期間,並以傑出的研究表現,成為校內眾多學術領域中,極少數獲頒Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship的受獎者。 作曲師承金希文、Bright Sheng、William Bolcom、Steven Stucky、Christopher Rouse、David Liptak等大師,鋼琴師承Nelita True、Logan Skelton等大師。曾於香港科技大學擔任兼任副教授及駐校作曲家,目前為國立臺北藝術大學理論與作曲專任副教授。

Ming-Hsiu Yen is an internationally-acclaimed composer. Born in Taiwan, she has collaborated with conductors, such as Osmo Vänskä, Alexander Drčar, Kenneth Kiesler, Adrian Schneider, Shao-Chia Lü, Wen-Pin Chien, Li-Pin Cheng, Amy Chang, Yin-Fang Chang and with such orchestras as the Minnesota Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic (NSO), National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO), Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO), YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Choir (Taiwan), Dunshan Symphonic Wind Orchestra (China), University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Taipei National University of the Arts Symphony Orchestra, and by such ensembles as PRISM Quartet, Brave New Works, OSSIA, Music From China, among others.

She is winner of the 22nd Asian Composers League Yoshiro Irino Memorial Prize and Heckscher Composition Prize, and awarded prizes from the League of Composers/ISCM-USA Competition, the governmental Literary and Artistic Creation Competition (Taiwan), and the Sun River Composition Competition (China).

She frequently receives commissions from various performing organizations. Recent compositions have included, “Breaking Through,” “Solitary Dust” and “Nu Wa” for NSO, “The Legend of Yimin,” “Tribute to Taipei,” and opera production, “My Mom Needs an Education,” for TCO, “Red Stool Party” for Taipei Wind Orchestra and Symphonic Band, Hakka Musical “Hope to Light” and “Xiangsi – Nostalgia” for the Taipei National University of the Arts, “Dear Dots” and “Singing with Dots” for Children Concert Series for Hsin-Yi Foundation, among others. Her music has been released on the Naxos Records, Albany Records, Innova Recordings, and Blue Griffin Recording labels and has been digitally-released on the Naxos Music Library.

Actively performing as a soloist and chamber musician, she was awarded prizes from the 2009 Grieg Festival Young Artists Competition and the 2006 Young Artist Competition of the Ann Arbor Society for Musical Arts. She is also a two-time winner of the University of Michigan Concerto Competition, performing concertos by Barber in 2004, by Corigliano in 2008, and Yen’s own concerto in 2005 with the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra.
She is frequently invited to give pre-concert talks for subscription concerts by various orchestras in Taiwan, and has also given lectures in Universität der Künste Berlin, Université de Genève, Xinghai Conservatory of Music (China) and various universities and organizations in Taiwan.

Ms. Yen holds degrees from the University of Michigan (DMA in composition; MM in composition and in piano performance) and the Eastman School of Music (BM in composition and in piano performance, with a distinguished honor of Performer’s Certificate). At the University of Michigan, she was funded with full scholarship and was awarded the distinguished Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship during her final year.

Her primary composition teachers have included Bright Sheng, William Bolcom, Betsy Jolas, David Liptak, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, Christopher Rouse, Steven Stucky, and Gordon Shi-Wen Chin. As a fellow of 2008 Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute, she worked with Aaron Jay Kernis. She has also studied with Herbert Willi at the 2007 Pacific Music Festival, and with Sydney Hodkinson at the 2006 Aspen Music Festival and School. Her piano teachers in USA have included Logan Skelton, Nelita True and Vincent Lenti.

Ms. Yen is currently Associate Professor of Music Theory and Composition at the Taipei National University of the Arts in Taiwan. She has also previously served as Adjunct Associate Professor/Composer-in-Residence at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and taught music theory at the University of Michigan.
(Website: www.minghsiuyen.com)

學歷   |  

美國密西根大學音樂藝術博士(作曲) Doctor of Musical Arts (Music Composition) , University of Michigan

領域   |  

Music Composition, Music Theory

信箱   |   minghsiu@music.tnua.edu.tw

電話   |   (02)2896-1000#3019

研究室   |  2447

個人網站   |  www.minghsiuyen.com

112 臺北市北投區學園路1號 | TEL:+886-2-28961000 #3018 | Fax:+886-2-28961040 | Email:master-m@music.tnua.edu.tw

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