
張佳韻 Amy Chang
『拍點清晰、充滿音樂性,能與樂團保持融暢交流,並展現傑出敏銳的聽力』,這是西班牙巴塞隆納國際管絃樂指揮大賽主席Sir Neville Mariner及評審團對她的高度評價。
她的指揮才華受到許多音樂大師的肯定。國家交響樂團前任總監林望傑指揮指出『張佳韻經由敏銳的聽力及音樂性,在指揮台上能清晰地溝通音樂概念,是極富經驗的傑出指揮』。國際知名長笛大師Peter-Lukas Graf則讚賞『Amy Chang卓越優異,能完全領悟及立即反映獨奏家的音樂而與之配合,和她合作特別令人喜悅』。
先後師事薛耀武、徐頌仁、Mitchell Lurie、Daniel Lewis等教授與大師,修習豎笛和管絃樂團指揮。並與世界知名音樂大師Vesselin Paraschkevov、Salvatore Accardo、Andre Cazalet、Tibor Kovac、Peter-Lukas Graf、William Bennett、Hayley Westenra、Russel Watson及國內名音樂家等跨界或合作演出,擁有豐碩的音樂經驗。
Born in Taipei, Amy Chang began her musical studies on piano and clarinet at an early age. Amy earned MA degrees in both clarinet performance and instrumental conducting from the University of Southern California, U.S.A
Ms. Chang was the winner of Asia in Tokyo International Music Competition for Conducting in 1997. And she received the 4th prize of international conducting competition in Barcelona, 2000. Maestro Neville Mariner made the comments on her conducting “extremely musical, clear conducting pattern, flowed and outstanding communication with orchestra members in a very pleasant atmosphere”. And Maestro Jahja Lin has recommended Amy Chang as a well-qualified and experienced conductor due to her kin ears and excellent ability to communicate her music ideas clearly on the podium. Also Maestro Peter-Lukas Graf has quoted “It is an exceptional pleasure to collaborate with conductor Amy Chang, who has the wonderful quality to accompany a soloist with immediate response and musical understanding”.
Amy is frequently guest conducting various distinguished orchestras to perform. She has served the assistant conductor of National Symphony Orchestra in Taipei and deputy director of Taipei Chinese Orchestra. Currently Amy Chang is the professor at Taipei National University of the Arts.
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