北藝大音樂學系 理論與作曲-林京美 – 北藝大音樂學系




林京美活躍於歐、美、亞、澳洲,屢獲國際獎項,包括美國國家作曲協會(NACUSA)作曲比賽首獎、21世紀音樂作品首獎、New Music on the Block創作首獎、ASCAP Morton Gould作曲獎、國際女作曲家協會Libby Larsen Prize榮譽獎、美國密尼蘇達交響樂團作曲比賽榮譽獎、台灣傳藝金曲獎最佳作曲獎、教育部文藝創作獎、中國三川獎。作品受邀演出於美國底特律交響樂團新音樂樂展、美國水牛城愛樂樂團作曲家樂展、美國作曲家交響樂團新音樂樂展、洛杉磯郡立美術館(LACMA) Sundays Live、北美薩克斯風雙年展、美國中西部作曲家樂展、Aspen音樂節、Bowdoin音樂節、美國女作曲家音樂節、亞洲作曲家聯盟音樂節、亞洲雙簧音樂節、韓國Nong Project、臺灣國家交響樂團樂季音樂會、國立臺灣交響樂團—「傳統與傳承」及「交響臺灣」、朱宗慶打擊樂團與臺北市立交響樂團—「激‧擊」、臺北市立國樂團—「暹羅風韻」、音契管弦樂團—「人文樂篇」、余光中詩歌講座音樂會、臺北國際現代音樂節、關渡藝術節、製樂小集等。合作的指揮家包括指揮大師Leonard Slatkin、呂紹嘉、Robert Trevino、Teddy Abrams、瞿春泉、張佳韻、翁佳芬等。作品由Apple iTunes Store、Blue Griffin Recording、國家表演藝術中心、國立臺灣交響樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、音契文化藝術基金會、木樓合唱團、財團法人拉縴人文化藝術基金會、高雄室內合唱團、春詠藝術文化基金會等出版發行。

林京美也積極參與鋼琴與管風琴演出,曾與 OSSIA 新音樂合奏團、密西根大學新音樂合奏團、音契合唱管絃樂團等合作,與指揮蘇正途老師及臺北藝術大學絃樂團演出普朗克管風琴協奏曲,也為金穗獎布農族紀錄片《聽霧鹿在歌唱》即興創作配樂。同時投身於音樂教育,多次受邀演講。

林京美為美國密西根大學 (University of Michigan—Ann Arbor) 作曲博士,美國羅徹斯特大學伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of Music) 作曲碩士,國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系學士。留美期間獲全額獎學金、優秀國際學生獎學金及台灣教育部專案培育菁英留學獎學金,並教授大學部課程。曾兩度獲全額獎學金受邀參加美國 Aspen 音樂節。作曲師事美國普立茲獎得主 William Bolcom、麥克阿瑟天才獎得主 Bright Sheng、Evan Chambers、David Liptak、Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon、金希文教授。曾任教於國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系,目前為國立臺北藝術大學音樂學系理論作曲專任副教授。

Ching-Mei Lin is a Taiwanese-born composer and pianist. In her music, she incorporates
innovative and international western techniques. Lin has composed for soloists and ensembles in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. She has won numerous international awards, including first place for both the NACUSA Young Composers Competition and the New Music on the Block, an ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Award, Best Composer at the 33 rd Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music in Taiwan, and the Sun River Prize in China. Her works have been performed at the Aspen Music Festival, the Bowdoin International Music Festival, the Earshot New Music Reading, the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Young Composers Forum, the NACUSA National Conference, Society of Composers Conference, the Midwest Composers Symposium, the North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference, the Midwest Composers Symposium, the Asian Double Reed Association Conference, the ISCM-Taiwan concert series, the Asian Composers League Festival, and performed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Taiwan Philharmonic, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the YinQi Chorus and Symphony Orchestra, the American Academy of Conducting at Aspen Orchestra, the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, the Eastman School of Music Symphony Orchestra, National Taipei University of the Arts Symphony Orchestra, the Aspen Contemporary Music Ensemble, the Ossia New Music Ensemble, Ju Percussion Group, the ProArt Ensemble, and the Kaohsiung Chamber Chorus. She has collaborated with international acclaimed conductors including Leonard Slatkin and Shao-Chia Lü. Her works have been released by Apple iTunes Store, Blue Griffin Recording, the National Performing Arts Center, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, TMC Culture & Arts Foundation, Müller Chamber Choir, Kaohsiung Chamber Choir, and the Springsong Organization.

Upon graduation from the National Taiwan Normal University, Lin was awarded a government scholarship to study abroad. She holds a Masters of Music degree in composition from the Eastman School of Music (Rochester, NY) and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). Her composition teachers include William Bolcom, Bright Sheng, Evan Chambers, David Liptak, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon and Gordon Shi-Wen Chin. Lin, who is also an active pianist, organist, improviser and collaborator, is currently an associate professor of music theory and composition at Taipei National University of the Arts in Taiwan.

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信箱   |   chingmei@music.tnua.edu.tw

電話   |   (02)2896-1000#3006

研究室   |  2449

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112 臺北市北投區學園路1號 | TEL:+886-2-28961000 #3018 | Fax:+886-2-28961040 | Email:master-m@music.tnua.edu.tw

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